Why Ok Alone is your Lone Worker Solution

Many companies, like yourselves, are looking for a lone worker solution. However, you may have specific lone worker problems. There may be certain legislation or policy you need to comply with or your company may not be able to afford expensive hardware.

Here at Ok Alone we feel we have a work alone solution which will be suitable for a wide range of companies with lone workers that need protecting. Here is a list of 5 lone worker safety solutions Ok Alone can offer.

1. No Expensive Hardware

Our work alone solution provides free to download iPhone and Android apps. These can be installed on a wide range of smartphones, meaning you don’t need to purchase expensive hardware to protect your lone workers.

The app runs smoothly in the background alerting lone workers when a check in is due. The lone worker app also offers a battery saver mode for location monitoring.

2. Turn On/Off Live Monitoring

Lots of lone worker solutions offer live monitoring, where a call centre can monitor your lone workers. However, Ok Alone’s solution allows you to turn off the live monitoring when you don’t need it. This saves you additional fees when you have a monitor in your own company available. Lots of our customers love this feature, it is the solution to monitoring their lone workers at night.

3. Hands Free Status Updating

Check in alerts are timed and may occur when your lone worker is on the move or is busy with their hands. Luckily Ok Alone has the solution. We are the first work alone safety solution to offer both Siri for iPhone and Google Assistant compatibility. This means your worker can set up Ok Alone so they can check in using their voice – hands free.

4. Easy to use for Workers

We understand that one of the hardest parts of using a lone worker solution is getting your workers to adopt the system and use it daily. We always work with our customers to improve our lone worker solution and make sure it is easy to use.

We have a feature request system where anyone can request or suggest updates. Because Ok Alone works on most smartphones and is simple to use, our customers usually find it is the perfect solution to their problem and workers are happy to start using our app daily.

5. SMS and Phone Check Ins

Our lone worker app is simple and easy to use and connects to our lone worker system via wi-fi or data. However, sometimes your workers may not have wifi or data available. In this case the solution for your lone workers is to use our SMS or phone service. Lone workers can send a check in SMS to our number or even call from a landline, letting their monitors know they are ok, avoiding a missed alert. 

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at info@okalone.net and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.