Lone Worker Safety for Logistics Workers and Drivers

Transport and logistics personnel are exposed to different kinds of risks while alone on the road or when loading and unloading their vehicle. One way of improving the safety of logistics workers and drivers is to use a lone worker safety system.

Lone working drivers require a solution that ensures they have round the clock safety monitoring, automated check-ins and precise GPS locations in case of emergency.

Lone Worker Safety for Logistics Workers and Drivers dashboard

Monitor Drivers Away from the Vehicle

Easily see the location and status of your drivers on our cloud-based dashboard. Drivers and vehicles are shown as separate pins on a map whether they are together or miles apart.

Employers can manage 100’s of workers, view alerts, actions and locations efficiently from one device.

safe worker app dashboard

Drive Mode

Drive Mode uses a vehicle monitoring device to register whether a vehicle is in motion when a check in is due. 

The system can then automatically check the driver in, and show employers they are safe, without them having to take their focus off the road.

Ok Alone keeps a trucking company in touch with their staff on the move

Hands Free

Any user with iOS12/13 or an Android phone can easily start a shift, end a shift, check in or get help – all by using their voice, completely hands free.

This allows truckers, drivers, logistics workers or anyone loading/unloading goods to update their status without stopping their work.

Improving safety for employees who drive for work, from Ok Alone

Helping Logistics Workers Stay Safe

Ok Alone is used by logistics workers all over the world to enhance their safety while:

  • driving
  • loading/unloading
  • overnight parking
  • interacting with the public

Our flexible solution has a range of features including; timed check ins, man down alerts, high risk check ins and location monitoring. Ok Alone can easily be adapted to cover your lone worker protection and legislation needs.

care woker panic button

Ok Alone covers all of these needs and more:

What our Clients Say about Ok Alone

Easy to Use

All good with OK Alone, works well and easy for our engineers to use. 

All in all we’re very pleased with it.

Mick Brindle, H2O Flowtech Ltd, United Kingdom

Ok Alone Met All Our Needs

OK Alone met all our needs, providing the service we wanted at an affordable price. I have happily referred other municipalities to their service.

Town of Morinville, Alberta, Canada

More Information about Logistics Lone Worker Protection

municipal lone worker help button

7 features of a lone worker app

Ok Alone identifies the 7 key features a Lone Worker App must have to ensure drivers and people who work in logistics are protected.
Learn more

municipality lone worker value for money

Why drivers need a lone worker solution

Find out why it's crucial that people who drive for work have a lone worker solution that shows their whereabouts and their vehicle's separately.
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Do's and don'ts to keep lone working drivers safe

Helpful tips of things to do and not to do for those who drive for a living and work in the Logistics sector.
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Drive Mode - For Safer Lone Worker Check Ins

Ok Alone developed Drive Mode to sense when a vehicle is in motion and therefore automatically and safely check drivers in throughout their shift.
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A focus on lone working terms that apply to delivery drivers

This article explains common words used in lone working and how they relate to those in the delivery industry.
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Keeping Kelowna's drivers in touch on the road

Ok Alone is used by they City of Kelowna, BC to keep their drivers safe. Find out what they had to say about the lone worker solution.
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A collaborative approach to safety strategy in Canadian logistics

Formalizing their hazard assessment process allowed a logistics company to add essential control measures to protect their valued employees.
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Improving safety for employees who drive for work, from Ok Alone

Drivers are benefitting from lone worker safety apps

Advances in technology and the accuracy of GPS locations is improving the safety of people who drive for a living.
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Use your voice to check in whilst lone working

Ok Alone has developed its lone worker solution to include Siri and Alexa voice commands. Drivers can continue to check in while keeping their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.
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The most common workplace safety violations

Every Logistics occupation carries a relatively high risk of accident or injury, and it’s challenging for employers to find ways to keep staff safe on the job.
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Logistics Case Study

Lone working is a reality for workers in many companies. Find out how one company listened to its employees concerns and implemented the right solution.
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Monitor driver safety away from the vehicle

Within the Ok Alone solution drivers and vehicles are shown as two separate entities, so you know your driver is safe when they are away from the vehicle.
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Ok Alone subscriptions are within the budget of even the most cost-conscious organisation. With no set-up fees or long term contracts, you can quickly be up and running for as little as $8/£7 per person per month.  Why not create your own personalised quote now?

Want to Try the Ok Alone App?

Please email us at info@okalone.net and we will set you up with a Free Trial where you can try all our lone worker features.

What is a Lone Worker App