What is social distancing and what does it mean for you?
More and more events like football games, festivals, weddings and parties are being cancelled across the U.K. This is not a plan to ruin your summer, it is for the greater good and an effort to encourage Social Distancing.
What is Social Distancing?
Social distancing is a vitally important public health intervention designed to stop Coronavirus spreading. This practise helps people avoid large crowds and gatherings and therefore exposing themselves to the virus. By keeping ‘distant’ to other people (at least 6 feet away) the likelihood of contracting the virus reduces and we help slow the spread of infection.
How do you do this?
First of all, stop going to places where there are lots of people in a confined area.
- Work from home if possible.
- Use online devices to ‘visit’ relatives
- Postpone meetings or conferences until a later date
- Avoid all unnecessary travel, either locally or internationally.
What if I feel fine?
Staying at home as much as possible might be boring, but as a responsible human being it is something we need to do to look out for the welfare of others.
Many people will not contract the virus to a degree they notice themselves. But by heading out to the gym they could be spreading it to everyone they encounter on the way. What happens if those people are already sick, have immune deficiencies, are pregnant or are elderly?
It is hard to limit your own desires for the good of strangers, so think of them as family instead. They could be your aunt, your grandparents or your brother who are infected by someone on their way to yoga.
Doing our bit
Covid-19 is not airborne, it is spread through droplets that are expelled through coughing, landing on things and then being touched by other people who transfer it to their face. Therefore, practising Social Distancing by keeping at least 6 feet between people can help reduce the number of infections.
So in a nutshell, stay away from people, stay in your home and watch t.v or better yet, read a book.
As an expert in lone worker content management, I possess an extensive knowledge base and experience in the area of lone working and safety monitoring. My expertise in this field encompasses a wide range of areas, including risk assessment, training, communication, and technology. I have a deep understanding of the unique risks associated with lone workers and have researched and written many projects and articles to educate people in how to mitigate these risks.
Throughout my time with Ok Alone, I have kept up to date with technological developments, legislative changes and regulations that have been introduced to help organizations ensure the safety of their lone workers.