Lone Working Legislation & Policy for Saskatchewan

As Canada is divided into federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions here is the legislation and policy pertaining to workers and lone workers in Saskatchewan, including the associated work alone regulations.

Photo by Ruvim Kerimov

Summary of Saskatchewan Lone Worker Legislation

Saskatchewan legislation compels businesses to act appropriately in identifying and minimizing as much risk as possible, while also including specific provisions for instituting a communications platform for Lone Workers to stay in contact with their co-workers.  


Working alone or at isolated place of employment

3-24(1) In this section, ‘to work alone’ means to work at a worksite as hte only worker of the employer or contractor at that worksite, in circumstances where assistance is not readily available to the worker in the event of injury, ill health or emergency.

(2) If a worker is required to work alone or at an isolated place of employment, an employer or contractor, in consultation with the committee, the representative or, if there is no committee or representative, the workers, shall identify the risks arising from the conditions and circumstances of the worker’s work or the isolation of the place of employment.

(3) An employer or contractor shall take all reasonably practicable steps to eliminate or reduce the risks identified pursuant to subsection (2).

(4) The steps to be taken to eliminate or reduce the risks pursuant to subsection (3):
(a) must include the establishment of an effective communication system that consisits of:
(i) radio communication;
(ii) phone or cellular phone communication; or
(iii) any other means that provides effective communication in view of the risks involved; and
(b) may include any of the following:
(i) regular contact by the employer or contractor with the worker working alone or at an isolated place of employment:
(ii) limitations on, or prohibitions of, specified activities;
(iii) establishment of minimum training or experience, or other standards of competency;
(iv) provision of personal protective equipment;
(v) establishment of safe work practices or procedures;
(vi) provision of emergency supplies for use in travelling under conditions of extreme cold or other inclement weather conditions.

31 Dec 2020 c S-15.1 Reg 10 s3-24.

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