Reducing Workplace Accidents

The Health and Safety Executive in the United Kingdom have released the statistics for workplace injuries and deaths from 2017-2018. During the 12-month period there were 144 workers who died in accidents at work and 555,000 work place injuries.

The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety’s figures for the same year show 951 deaths and 251,508 significant injuries.

The most recent statistics available for Australia showing deaths and injuries are from 2016-2017 where there were 190 work place fatalities and 106,260 serious injuries.

How injuries could be avoided

Many injuries and perhaps deaths could have been avoided by workers having access to a lone worker solution. Workers being able to call for help or send out help requests in emergency situations can reduce the number of injuries and increase the safety of workers.

How Ok Alone can help improve safety

Although there is no way to completely remove all workplace hazards and stop workplace accidents, there are ways to reduce the risk to your workers. Ok Alone lone worker solution gives workers a sense of security as they can call in support and assistance when they need it. Workers have access to a ‘help’ button that contacts members of staff in the office or a 24-hour call centre to alert them that they need immediate support.

Ok Alone also offers two levels of worker monitoring so there are up to date locations available if a worker fails to check in or sends out a help request. Using the Ok Alone app will help workers feel more connected to their work community and let them know that if something does happen, there are people there to help.

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.