GPS Technology Isn’t Enough – Lone Worker Safety

Why GPS Technology isn’t enough to Keep Lone Workers Safe

Do you rely on GPS technology for your lone worker’s safety?

You might not know that the first GPS satellite, Navstar 1, was launched way back on February 22, 1978. After the USSR shot down a Korean passenger jet in 1983, the US government opened up GPS for civilian applications. This enabled airlines, transport and shipping companies to avoid drifting into restricted foreign zones.

When GPS first began to be used for worker safety monitoring, it was hailed as an important breakthrough. At the time, it was a leap forward in technology. It allowed workers to be accurately monitored, even in remote locations and while on the move.

GPS is still a valuable tool in lone worker safety systems, but by no means does it constitute an entire safety protocol. For example, the SPOT Gen3 Satellite GPS device that Ok Alone uses is useful for monitoring workers, especially those who are on the road or working outside of cell phone range. It also provides one-way messaging so that workers can check in or call for help, but it’s only one aspect of a lone worker safety system.

Can your company benefit from our lone worker safety app?

A complete lone worker safety system needs to have a way to set timed check-ins.  Knowing where someone is, is simply not good enough. The key is ensuring they check-in regularly. That’s why many of our clients prefer to work with Ok Alone’s lone worker safety app, which is easily downloaded to your iPhone or Android. The app provides a way for workers to check in, at whatever interval deemed necessary.

Whether you find that the safety app for smartphones or the SPOT Gen3 GPS device (or some combination of the two!) works better for your business will depend on your specific requirements and your safety policy . Either way, you’ll find our lone worker safety system is affordable, quick to implement and easy for your workers to use.

Contact us to learn more, sign up for our free trial or simply find out how little a lone worker safety monitoring system will cost you with a estimate from our online pricing tool.     

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.