Keep Moving with Man Down on our Lone Worker App

There are around 8 million lone workers in the U.K. Lone workers can be found in many different industries, doing many different jobs. Some lone workers are out and about all day going to different locations and constantly on the move, others spend their days in one location. If, like me, you are a lone …

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Five Ways to Evaluate your Lone Worker App


Lone worker apps come in many varieties. This short article provides five criteria to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular ones. The goal is to give you the tools to decide which lone worker app will work best for your organization. Safety Policy Your safety policy should be at the heart of …

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Why You Need a Lone Worker App for Check Ins

Why you need a Lone Worker App for Check Ins

A vital aspect of any lone worker monitoring procedure is the actual ‘check in’. Why you need a lone worker check in system By legislation in the UK and in many Canadian provinces, lone workers must be monitored for safety reasons. Here is some information about how you, as an employer, can devise and establish …

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6 Tips for your Lone Worker Check In Procedure

In the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canadian provinces your employees must be monitored if they are working alone. Here are a few tips to help you, as an employer, to devise and establish a lone worker check in procedure. 1. Appoint a Monitor You can appoint an employee as a monitor – they can …

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Duty of Care and Lone Working

Duty of Care

You will often hear the term “Duty of Care” use when people are discussing lone working. Have you ever wondered exactly what Duty of Care is?  For those of you not up on your legal history, Duty of Care dates back to the 1800s with connections to both Tort and Common law. Originally, a Duty …

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Simple safety advice for women driving alone

Improving safety for employees who drive for work, from Ok Alone

The nightly news recently reported there are more people employed as drivers in Canada than any other job. Many of those drivers are women, and they are driving alone.  Work alone is often thought about as a separate issue, but it is often coupled by assault and violence.  As a result, we’ve compiled a list …

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A collaborative approach to safety strategy in Canadian logistics

safety strategy logistics

I recently worked with a logistics company which delivers goods across Canada. They were interested in improving their Occupational Health and Safety Management System and their overall safety strategy. This company had the basics covered but were eager to develop a system that met all jurisdictional requirements. Over several months, I met with the company …

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5 key elements to your fleet safety program

fleet safety

The best fleet safety programs are designed to protect your staff against injury and you from liability.  These programs set out the written policies and procedures you want followed as a preventive measure, and in the event of an unexpected emergency.  In this blog, we are going to share five key elements of a good …

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How to Create a Formal Hazard Assessment

hazard assessment

How to Create a Formal Hazard Assessment A formal hazard assessment is the basis for the organization’s entire occupational health and safety management system. It outlines the hazards, measures risk (to help prioritize hazards), and points to the necessary control measures. Levels of Hazard Assessment Formal hazard assessment Field-level hazard assessment Formal Hazard Assessment are …

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Sub-Contractors and your Health and Safety Program

subcontratcor health and safety program

The first myth we need to disburse is that you are somehow not responsible for your sub-contractors health and safety while they are working on your job site or working in your name. This is not even a gray area anymore. For example Workers Compensation Board (WCB) in British Columbia looks at whether the sub-contractor …

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Health and Safety Guidelines for Workers Exposed to Biowaste

Health and Safety Guidelines biowaste

The handling of biowaste by lone workers is an area we hear more about each month.  Health and Safety Guidelines across Canada, USA, UK Australia and New Zealand all cover the unique risks assosiciated with biowaste.  In this blog, the team at SafetyON have kindly shared their thoughts on the subject. ————————- There are several …

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High risk situations for Lone Workers

High risk situations

I would like to share my views on lone worker duress communication, particularly when the clientele served is in high-risk situations. What I have found through my years as a crisis management consultant, leading various organization in minimizing risk and maximizing safety, needs to be shared. Individuals who are at the most risk are the …

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Working from home. Working alone

Working from home

Home working has more than doubled in the US since 2005.  In fact, the Huffington Post recently published an article about why the working from home trend is going to continue to grow or even explode.  The social, economic and environmental arguments for this shift are very strong.  In many major cities, a two hour …

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Understanding Canadian Work Alone Monitoring Legislation

Canadian Work Alone Legislation

In Canada, lone worker legislation isn’t consistent from coast to coast. Not all provinces have enacted legislation regarding an employer’s responsibility toward their lone workers, and the ones that did put measures in place have slightly different regulations. To add to the confusion, work alone monitoring regulations also exist on a federal level — but …

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Lone worker health and safety : Who is at risk?

Lone worker health and safety risk

Lone worker health and safety: Who is at risk? A lot has been written about lone worker health and safety.  Oddly, you rarely see a list of jobs or occupations that fall into the lone worker category. It’s almost assumed you will know who you are. At a high level, there are three categories of …

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Top 5 Features of a Lone Worker App

Holding a lone worker app

What are the best features to have in your lone worker app? With so many people working from home these days or doing jobs where they are away from their colleagues, lots of lone worker solutions have sprung up. How do you know which one is best for you and your needs? We have put …

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Favourite Feature – High Risk Check-ins

I want to check-in before my scheduled time. I’m going into a high risk situation

Sometimes, workers find they are entering a potentially high risk situation.  As a result, they want to check-in before the next scheduled check-in is due.  This feature is only available to app users…