Future of Health and Safety Conference 2016 – Lone Worker Protection Systems

How Will the New 2016 Help Great Britain Work Well Strategy Impact Your Business?

With the publication of the 2016 Help Great Britain Work Well Strategy we are seeing a renewed focus brought to occupational health and safety and lone worker protection in the UK. This document outlines new goals and strategies for protecting and supporting workers and aims to streamline health and safety processes so that they function better, rather than just increasing in number.

At the upcoming Future of Health and Safety Conference in Salford on November 17th, industry experts, H & S directors, officers and other HR managers will meet to discuss and learn about:

  • Sustaining gains already made in safety, and giving the same priority to health
  • How business can take broader ownership of health and safety issues to improve productivity, and
  • Managing risk – simplifying risk management to helping businesses grow

Business owners and managers may be wondering how these new initiatives will affect their bottom line, as with increased ownership of issues of any sort often comes higher costs. Will new requirements for worker safety systems prove expensive?

You already understand that a well protected workforce is a valuable asset, and that workers who feel that you care about their safety are happier and more productive, but you still need to be able to afford their protection.

Fortunately, modern technology is on your side. Lone worker monitoring and protection systems have come a long way in recent years and can vastly improve your safety processes, at a reasonable cost.

Our Lone Worker Protection System Provides Effective, Affordable Monitoring

Ok Alone can help you take that broader ownership of your worker’s safety with our affordable lone worker protection system. And our system compares very favourable with our competition, offering flexibility, management control and all of the features you need – you can learn about how we stack up against competitors in our Lone Worker Safety Monitoring Comparison Guide.

If you are interested in a free trial of OK Alone’s lone worker protection system, contact us.

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at info@okalone.net and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.