Cleaning Company Case Study

Learn how Ok Alone is used by Cleaners

There are approximately 30,000 cleaning and janitorial businesses in Canada. Cleaning companies often have lone workers due to the nature of the work. Lone worker safety procedures that do exist take manual effort to carry out. This is a challenge as it takes a considerable amount of time.

For example one of our clients, Bee Clean, designated a few employees to perform check-in calls. They would call cleaning staff every 2 hours to ensure they were okay. Cleaning staff appreciated the sense of security. However, it was inconvenient for all parties. Manual check-in calls sometimes had to be repeated. Furthermore, record keeping was inconsistent and prone to human error. Ultimately, it was costing the company time and money.

Bee Clean had had enough of struggling with their manual check-in process, so they sought out a lone worker solution. Ok Alone was what they decided to trial. After a couple of weeks testing they got a sense of the amount of time they could save. Cleaning staff were checking in at the click of a button on their smartphones. Employees making manual check-in calls before were now freed up for more productive work. Lastly, all human-error was eliminated, and record-keeping of check-ins was automatic. As a result, Ok Alone helped Bee Clean achieve a 10% rebate on their WCB premiums, which more than paid for the system.

After concluding how much time they’d save, Bee Clean decided to get setup with their own account. They’ve found a good fit with their Ok Alone solution. Workers continue to feel safe and the company is saving time while meeting their compliance obligations.

Ok Alone helps you save time

Save Time

Ok Alone helps you save time from turning your manual check-in process into an automated one. Set it and forget it, and only get involved when necessary!

Reliable Response

Ok Alone provides your organization with a reliable response to your lone workers in the case a potential incident arises.

Meet Regulations with Ease

Ok Alone gives you and your organization reassurance that regulations will be met when it comes to working alone. No need to worry about fines and/or rebates being taken away.